Friday, January 6

2012, you're okay by me

December 31
Dining Room
Our New Year's Eve "Party" turned raucous when I got out the photo rod.

January 1
Belle Isle
A beautiful day started our new year so we spent some time outside, with friends, searching for driftwood.

January 2
Belle Isle
Again, what?! Yes, I did not have work so I went back to spend more time exploring and photo-ing by myself. I have more photos here and I like some of them also.

January 3
Z's tiny teeth. For the record, she likes to be held at an angle where her head is lower than her body.

January 4
Golf Course
NASA reports called for the Quadrantid meteor shower in the wee hours of the morning. We set out all our blankets and sleeping bags, hats, gloves, and coats and let the alarm wake us at 2:30. Our timing might have been off (we read mixed viewing reviews so had our best guess) and each saw one meteor. It was a clear, beautiful night though and I still had a good time because I was in my sleeping bag outside.

January 5
Each year I put my change in my kitty bank and at the end, I roll it and put it in my savings. I am so getting rich.

January 6
Green smoothie for dinner. I also had the last piece of carrot cake.

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