Tuesday, July 30

i'll take a rainbow

June 30
Humpback Rock
A day adventure with Julia! A hike up Humpback Rock and lunch at Blue Mountain Brewery.

July 1
Julia and I were the only patrons there. I guess not too many people go for dinner at 4:30 on a Monday.

July 2
Squishing long stuffed animals into a box for Adah's birthday.

July 3
Fourth of July cherry pies. One for a new baby and one for The Rivah.

July 4
Schemmel House
The america Birthday Girl! (She's actually one year and one day old for her party.) Also, I think it is very appropriate to say this, "You look like the Fourth of July and it makes me want a hotdog real bad."

July 5
The proud Kiki.

July 6
Whitten House
Celebrating the 40th wedding anniversary of our dear friends with a croquet match. I never knew there was so much strategy involved. These are our game faces. We are going to win.

July 7
Fort Harrison
Family bike ride through battlefield territory. And naturally, a stop at Proper Pies on the way home.

July 8
The vibrant colors of our summer.

July 9
Fitness Evolution
This is our after workout routine: Sit in the locker room, check our phones, stand up, and laugh at the butt sweat we leave behind.

July 10
Some days end with a movie in bed.

July 11
The Laurels
Dinner and Yahtzee with Oma. She really concentrates when she rolls those die.

July 12
And some days end with Andy reading Game of Thrones and me falling straight to sleep.

July 13
Laying the sleepers for the future laundry room. Yay progress and yay Father-in-Law helping!

July 14
Pocahontas State Park
A paddle boating date with Molly and Natasha. Man this place is a gem.

July 15
Front Yard
Our tree mess, thanks to Dominion Power.

July 16
City Hall Observation Deck
A regular date with Elisabeth. Site-seeing and dinner.

July 17
The Garden
Funny little white eggplant making it's way into the world.

July 18
Nothing like a good Facetime with friends and their kids.

July 19
Nickel Bridge
Sometimes a pizza dinner from Maldini's is essential.

July 20
Fort Harrison
Took myself back out here for a solo bike ride on my day off.

July 21
Dinner with old friends warrants making a delicious fruit tart!

July 22
Fruit-freezing mode. Enough watermelon, strawberries, and rhubarb for all kinds of treats.

July 23
Dropped in on Girls Beach Week for a night. Eva is one of the girls.

July 24
These succulents are bountiful. Good thing they are not my responsibility because I would probably kill them. My green thumb isn't always so green.

July 25
Schemmel House
This girl is a great distraction.

July 26
Burrito dinner with Sister and Andy. I could literally eat a burrito every day of my life. If I were on a desert island with one food option, hands down, burritos it would be.

July 27
Invasion of the fruit body snatchers. Normal-size berries are for scale. That giant one took three bites to eat! Three bites!

July 28
Nothing like a rainbow at the end of a summer storm. 

Thursday, July 11

on a beach in june

June 7
Jennifer Nails
Mom and I preparing for beach vacation!

June 8
Dauphin Island, AL
The thrill of seeing the bridge for the first time every year never fades. I love this place.

June 9
Dauphin Island, AL
The rainy weather is keeping us indoors. But Kiki styled Adah's hair and Adah is eating a stuffed octopus so at least that is happening.

June 10
Dauphin Island, AL
Fresh piña coladas in hand, Dad, Andy, and I took an evening stroll down to the house that is halfway in the water.

June 11
Dauphin Island, AL
Sunny days! Great beach sitting under the tent with cousins and a puppy.

June 12
Dauphin Island, AL
We figured out that this was our 25th year coming down to DI. (Only one year missed because of the oil spill.) That seems like a worthy photo opportunity for Grandma and her girl granddaughters.

June 13
Dauphin Island, AL
Andy and I rented cruisers and went island explorin'. It's rained a bit, but that didn't slow us down.

June 14
Dauphin Island, AL
The morning of our departure Andy and I went across the street to the abandoned house to watch the sunrise.

June 15
Checking on our veggies after being gone. They're growing!

June 16
Out for a stroll while these lazy birds sit on a wire.

June 17
Laura's birthday breakfast pizza and across-the-table Facetime.

June 18
Finished Adah's birthday rabbit animal!

June 19
Front Yard
The power company took the top of our tree off the tree and put it in our yard. Thanks, dudes.

June 20
Nate's House
An accidental monochromatic (and starchy) potluck.

June 21
That there's a big moon.

June 22
National Harbor
Blowing our Big League Chew Bubbles before we go in to the piano bar to embarrass Brian for his 30th birthday.

June 23
Bott Apartment
Our friends are moving and they let their Christmas tree hang out on the porch for too long. This is the second nest to call it home. They were hoping the birdies took flight before moving day, but they didn't so I relocated them.

June 24
Fruit update: One eggplant is almost ready to pick!

June 25
Yorktown Beach
An after work mini vacation with Laura and Molly. This is what happens when we really take advantage of our out-of-work-at-2-pm schedule.

June 26
I'm standing in the bathtub to take this and Andy and Nate are straddling the toilet to hang the cabinet. That's a lot of people in not a lot of space.

June 27
Adah and Sister came over for a quick visit and Adah kept herself busy with my flip flops.

June 28
Another fruit update: Crazy squash going on in there!

June 29
I thought I bought seedless grapes. Apparently I didn't.

As if this isn't long enough already, I'm going to leave you with a link to a video I made. I'm not sure why I've become so keen on recording my (mostly mundane) daily life in several forms, but I have.
 It's fun. I don't have a great memory. And maybe I just like the project of it. 
So here on the blog I have photos. In a little book I have sentences. And on youtube I have a video. Watch it if you'd like. It's 6 minutes and it covers 365 days.