Saturday, May 3

pump, pump, pump it up

March 13
Richmond Airport
First leg of my journey back home for a Roller Weekend. We have a symbol and it's the letter R.

March 14
Mom's Place
Little Rock, AR
It's incredible that our friendship has withstood 10+ years and hundreds of miles of separation. But when we get together, it's like nothing. 
Pump, pump, pump it up.

March 15
Oaklawn Racetrack
Hot Springs, AR
We found matching shirts at the 1/2 of 1/2. It's still appropriate to joke-dress like your friends when you're in your thirties.

March 16
Grandma's House
Little Rock, AR
Stopped by for a quick visit with my Grandma. She's the sweetest.

March 17
I made it back home to new glasses! (Pardon the selfie. My mom wanted to see them.)

March 18
Kitchen (or what used to be)
Andy and Nate are putting up a mini header in the doorway.

March 19
Sunroom/Dining Room/Drying Station
Dishes is the biggest pain during this whole kitchen demo thing.

March 20
Front yard
My role in the plumbing adventures: turn the water main on and off when I hear the shouting.

March 21
Front yard
Our first really beautiful spring day. Perfect for sitting outside and cleaning the leaves off the walkway.

March 22
This selfie is much better. And you can see my glasses again.

March 23
Bathroom/Kitchen Sink
The temporary washing station. Andy washes, I dry.

March 24
Cyborg Room
Lessons in electricity. Drawn on the wall by Bob.

March 25
I wasn't planning on working on the house today, but I can adjust.

March 26
Carytown Sushi
Mom, Andy, and I took Adah out for her first sushi experience (I assume it was her first). She devoured an entire plate of fried rice.

March 27
Schemmel House
And now she won't get off her little frog toilet.

March 28
If you look closely enough, you'll see an acrobatic squirrel hanging by its hind legs upside down to eat the food out of the bird feeder.

March 29
Children's Museum
Not so sure about the whole carousel experience. Also, lesson learned: four adults to one child is a little excessive.

March 30
Living Room
Our weekend ended with an unexpected phone call that Uncle Bernie had unexpectedly passed away. I'm not one to use the same word twice in one sentence, but when you lose someone you love there suddenly seems to be a loss of words. Even now, a month later, there is still some disbelief. 
It got to be 9:00 and we realized we hadn't eaten anything.

March 31
Schemmel House
Adah not putting on her pj's, but looking out the window for her dad's return. Apparently she likes to keep an eye on all the neighborhood's goings-on.

April 1
Casa Grande
When I crave Mexican food, we get Mexican food. And the light of the angels shines down upon him for agreeing. (Not like he was too opposed.)

April 2
Proper Pie
Celebrating. Properly.

April 3
Kitchen Windowsill
Seriously, whose cat does that?! Z almost got kicked out for that one. It's like she could see the litter box inside, visualized standing in it, and pooped on this tiny ledge.

April 4
James River
An afternoon date with Molly, walking the rails and chatting by the river.

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