December 1
Martin House
Celebrating Jack and the best part (for the kids) is definitely the cake.
December 2
Schell House
Celebrating Hazel and same.
December 3
Belle Isle
Unseasonably warm December day and Andy off work equals walking adventure for all!
December 4
Belmont Rec Center
Final ballet of the session. I guess she's learning some moves.
December 5
Christmas present crafting in full force. Potholders for all!
December 6
Living Room
The amount of laundry always astounds me. It doesn't help that I wait until every basket is full to get the process going.
December 7
Front Yard
Good one to take record of. Also the video that goes along with this is classic.
All the trimmings of a HST sunset quilt.
December 8
Christmas Tree Farm (I can't remember the name)
My little Steve Zissou of the woods. He is sure that he has found the perfect tree.
December 9
Family photo by our very talented friend, Sara. We had the session scheduled and then the snow came and I think it just made things even better.
Not as into it a few hours later.
December 10
But into it again the next day. When the wind and falling snow weren't so brutal.
Evening Christmas cookie decoration. Every year I regret this activity.
December 12
Leena's Room
The findings after quiet time.
Schemmel House
Cousin bath.
December 13
He wants a low pony tail. Ha.
December 14
Again with the laundry! This is probably the same from before; I'm just finally putting it away.
December 15
Living Room
One's ready for school. One's not.
December 16
Bass Pro
A no-crying Santa photo! Leena talked Santa's ear off and Edwin just went along for the ride.
December 17
It's all about the knee socks. And sister's shoes on the wrong feet.
December 18
A Viking funeral for Moana the fish. An emotional day for all.
But quickly turned around with some fun swinging.
December 19
Leena's Room
Kiki's in town so we figured we'd give her her own space and let Edwin and Leena share a room. They thought it would be fun to share a bed too. (Leena's got her "night cap" on.)
December 20
One of Leena's first intentional drawings: a mermaid.
December 21
Science Museum
Kiki took the kids for the morning. Woot!
Schemmel House
Kiki Christmas Eve with our cousins. Leena got a real night cap!
December 22
Cyborg Room
Kiki Christmas morning so we are all wearing our new pajamas and they are a little large this year. We are still very excited about them.
After the present-opening extravaganza, kids and Kiki play with their new toys.
December 23
Arc Park
Drums are for banging or climbing. And long shadows are always interesting to look at.
December 24
Hair Cuttery
If you ask Edwin when he's in the right mood, he'll say he wants a haircut and you act on it. But dang does it transform him into a little man.
December 25
Living Room
The actual Christmas morning. It was so fun to experience the excitement and joy of watching them open gifts. It was a real PJ Masks filled morning up in here.
December 26
Cyborg Room
Edwin has always been able to stare into my soul, but now that he has those owl eyes, it's even more intense.
December 27
The Fan
Christmas round three is underway. Grandpa Bud is picking up dinner for Edo's Squid for a family feast. (I'm parked in the car waiting for him.)
December 28
Schemmel House
All the kiddos with Bud (and their spoils).
December 29
Brown's Island
Beautiful day in Richmond and a morning to kill before Bud leaves so we took to the green space. Kids ran around PJ Masking and parachuting, adults chatted and kicked the ole rugby ball around.
December 30
Otter Cove
Christmas round four underway with Ducky, Bitner, and Abe at the river. This one was more Star Wars themed. I think these kids got a little spoiled this year with an eight day Christmas full of presents and fun.
December 31
And the last of the crazy. There has not been a day of rest/no family event since the 17th and we still decided to have a New Year's party. Because what are all these friends with young kids going to do otherwise? So worth it. And everyone cleared out right after we toasted at 7 pm. Ha! We're all on the same page and that's what makes it perfect. I didn't take any pictures except for Edwin eating a chocolate covered strawberry.
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