Thursday, July 20

pooter shooting

May 1
Celebrating Uncle Robert's birthday two weeks late with singing and strawberry rhubarb pie.

May 2
Warner's House
Showing off her latest finds. Neon balls are keepers. White ones are meh.

May 3
It's pretty sweet to look down and see that giant belly poking out. Also, this is right about the time Edwin really became a "walker".  I just don't know the exact date because he's my second child.

May 4
Smokey Building
I can't tell you much about this because it's from a workday for Andy and he's not with me to give me any of the details. But it's a glimpse into some of what he does.


May 5
Duck Blind
Insulation is insulating!

May 6
These are my photogenic hobbit children. On another note, let's talk about the weather. Notice the date, notice the clothes. I can't believe sweaters were necessary in May and how quickly it became 90 degrees on a daily basis.

May 7
Andy must be on a nature walk for tiny things while the kids play.

May 8
Edwin's Room
Early morning box cars. Sometimes I think I should just get rid of all toys and keep all the trash.

May 9
A Mother's Day surprise from Ducky and the kids! They planted a vegetable garden, complete with tomatoes, squash, and Leena beans.

This guy helping pick up the dirt they just put down.

May 10
Front Yard
Andy must be going on a nature walk for disgusting things and found this grub that makes me want to throw up.

May 11
Children's Museum
Every time they get in the play cars together, my heart melts a little. For their friendship and for how quickly this moment is going to come in real life and I don't even know it.

May 12
All set up for a LuLaRoe Mother's Day Open House, with the help of my mother. When you get all the stuff out there, it really is a lot!

May 13
Front Yard
Leena, me, Mom. Three sets of nice looking legging-ed legs.

May 14
Schemmel House
Everyone's Mother's Day portrait. I am constantly amazed by the multiplication of families. I think it's so cool how so much comes from just two people. For example, my mom's parents had 14 kids, who in turn had 30 children, who in turn have had so many kids I don't even know. And my parents who had 2 kids, and we now have 4 kids. It's not a genius thought. It's simple. But it's really amazing, the power of Mothers (and Fathers).

May 15
Garage Mahal
They love to help/not help. But they certainly aren't afraid of getting dirty and getting hurt. I don't mean disasters; we parent. I mean trips, head bumps, or walking into walls. Because my kids seem to not notice those (walls) all the time.

May 16
Front Yard
Inaugural pool day. I use these at home water activities to see which swimsuits fit and which do not. This one, not so much. Look closely, there's a butt crack peeking out.

May 17
Front Yard
Gardening pals. Guns out, guts out. That's what they say, right?

May 18
I couldn't not include this photo. Cracks me up every time.

But really, the Schemmels came over for a rainbow themed dinner feast. You can see remnants of the rainbow of food on my plate. And Porter is the king of the table.

May 19
Front Yard
New swimsuits (and new water bottles). Definitely fit and definitely pass the test of cuteness.

May 20
Strawberry Farm
Not too far from home! We happened to pick the day of the Strawberry Festival to go to the Strawberry Farm and it was so much fun. Leena ate every strawberry she saw, including the ones smushed on the dirt road.

I was feeling reflective when I was choosing photos. These two are all about the details. Those gap-teeth are the cutest gap-teeth on the face of the planet. And the curls sneaking out of his baseball cap and his newly confident walking legs, I mean.

May 21
The laziest dinner guest. But Leena took the photo so I think this is her first intentional photo to ever take. That makes it special. And it reminds me that Mike and Kristen were over for dinner (because it's their dog) so we were in great company.

May 22
Somewhere, South Carolina
We are winning our first solo (kids and I) longish road trip! En route to Hilton Head to meet my dad and Angie for the week.

May 23
Hilton Head
A dolphin tour to kick off vacay! Leena and Bud keep a diligent look out. We saw plenty of dolphins, btw, but I liked this photo of their two heads best.

Edwin loved the boat ride, but he loved all these dried up reeds even more.

May 24
Harbour Town Lighthouse
When we needed to get out of the condo we walked to the lighthouse and the park.

Garage Mahal
Back at home, Andy cut a hole in the countertop for the kitchen sink in the Duck Blind. Our view is way more exciting.

May 25
Hilton Head
Beach day! Umm, not something to attempt alone with a one and two year old, neither who are the least bit scared of water. I think Leena nearly tore Bud's shoulder out with all her hootin' and hollerin' in the waves.

May 26
Atlantic Ocean
Ella and I way up in the sky! Leena calls this "pooter shooting". Feel free to ask her about it someday while she still talks like a two year old. It's a boring story, but she makes it very entertaining. 

Harbour Town
After dinner ice cream. Sometimes choosing the worst photo is the best photo. Because no kid is ever this unexcited about ice cream, so to catch three is pretty good.

After ice cream walk. We are all heading our separate ways toward home in the morning so it was really nice to take our time with the evening and enjoy every aspect.

May 27
South Carolina
I mostly needed to stop at South of the Border to see if the giant animals that were there in college were still there. They are. All of them. I don't advise making this a stop on a road trip. For any reason. Not even the bathroom. Unless you need photos with a lot of giant animals. Then you should definitely stop.

May 28
Robin's egg that we had to explain to Leena. Then Andy dropped it and we had to explain that.

May 29
It's a splash pad kind of day!

May 30
Garage Mahal
Painting cabinet fronts, drinking a beer, and listening to sleeping children. Not a bad way to spend an evening really.

May 31
Mike and Kristen's
Moving day and the helpers who don't help are doing a great job. This was a tough one because we hated to see Mike and Kristen leave our neighborhood and our city.

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