Tuesday, May 17

welcome to our world

April 1
Henrico Doctor's
Welcome to our world, Edwin Jonah Smith!
My body didn't want to be induced so it jumped the gun with the whole labor thing five hours before our scheduled appointment. I was more than happy about this because I didn't want this baby to come before they were ready. After an epidural, playing yahtzee, breaking my water, giving me a small hit of pitocin, and listening to Van Morrison, "It's a boy!" graced our ears at 9:56 am. 

And now we have a perfect 7 lb, 21 inch addition to our family.

April 2
Henrico Doctor's
The supposed-to-be March babies. Sorry for the unflattering photo, Porter. We know you are cuter in real life.

Now he's on the outside, but still a tiny ball of sweetness.


April 3
Henrico Doctor's
Making our getaway in some homemade hand-me-down knits. Excited to see our baby girl again and get started with this family of four business.

April 4
The second of many lasagna dinners, but oh so grateful for food being made by other people.

April 5
Living Room
Grandpa Bud with all of his grands. They kind of even cooperated for the photo.

April 6
Kids' Room
Kiki doing double time. This was a sweet moment to witness.

April 7
Also a sweet moment to witness. Leena Bea loves her dad so much and it's heart melting to see them together. Even when they're just eating.

April 8
Living Room
Already regressing. JK, but she does love to play with all the carseats, and for some reason we now have four. Also, crazy that she was riding in this one not long ago and now she looks like a giant in it!

April 9
Living Room
Just your classic baby sleeping photo. With cute, long fingers.

April 10
Living Room
Leena introduces Grandpa Tim to Meno.

April 11
The van, in all it's glory. When I get desperate I'm going to sleep out here because it's just that spacious.

April 12
Teaching Leena how to blow dandelions. (She thinks you put your mouth on it still.) We have a couple books with a page about blowing dandelions and each time we get to them, Leena takes out her pacifier and goes, "Wow" in an elongated whisper voice.

April 13
Back Yard
A couple shop walls are going up today.

Living Room
And meanwhile, this is happening.

April 14
Living Room
Scrunched up tummy time.

April 15
Let's just pretend Andy has newborn brain and that's why he put the wrong soap in the dishwasher.

Here's the newborn. He is pretty distracting.

April 16
Cyborg Room
Staying close because this girl is a little heavy handed. But she loves him!

This doesn't look like much but it is quite monumental...My first solo outing with both kiddos. Kind of. Because I was meeting my sister. But the kid to adult ratio stayed the same.

April 17
Original Gravity
Neighborhood outing to the local brewery. I've been dying to walk over, sit outside, and drink a beer, and I finally can now!

April 18
Living Room
More sibling love. I just have to make sure Leena doesn't climb in. Because she has done that...

April 19
Front Porch
Looks like all he does is sleep. Not true.

April 20
Back Yard
The trusses were delivered and put in the wrong place because they didn't tell us when they got here. The bozos came back and tried to get them back on the truck and after about 1.5 hours decided they just needed to move them by hand. Time sucks like this do not go over well with me these days.

April 21
 Back Yard
Trusses on the correct side, crane on the correct side. Andy building.

Us watching.

April 22
Back Yard
Making roof progress. That's a steep pitch.

April 23
I don't even know. But we should really start strapping her in.

April 24
Back Yard
A roof with a view.

Meanwhile, another accomplishment: walking to the garden with both kids solo.

April 25
Arc Park
In review, I'm pretty proud of myself for the outings I've managed with the kids. I was very daunted by this task, but with a willing sister and friends, it's been not so bad. (I can say that today because I'm feeling pretty well rested and Andy is off work.)

April 26
I don't remember why I gave Leena an early bath, but it was probably because she had a poop explosion or something.

April 27
Cyborg Room
The new normal.

April 28
Edwin meeting his Great Oma for the first time. It's something incredible to see the beginning of the line meet the newest member of her family. I imagine when I'm a grandma and hopefully a great grandma, I will feel pride and responsibility for the kids of my kids, etc.

April 29
Talking on her air mattress land line.

April 30
Larkum House
Potluck's newest member, but not for long! So great to gather with friends. Makes me feel kind of like an adult and not just a mom.

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