October 1
St. Mary's
Getting ready for relaxation time at our first lamaze class. We might have laughed through the entire thing.
October 2
the putt putt place
My friends were kind enough to participate in my pregnant, drink-free, 32nd birthday putt putt adventure.
October 3
My ankles are starting to get fat. The best is when I take my socks off after work and even the little thread designs leave imprints on my feet.
October 4
34 1/2 weeks! (Seems so long ago now.)
October 5
Bon Chon
Molly's birthday celebration! Enough beer and wings to get her through the night.
October 6
Repurposing wedding thank you cards to be baby shower thank you cards. Pretty proud of myself for this economical and clever fix.
October 7
Getting some dry wall patches up.
October 8
Making room for baby and bringing the giant desk upstairs!
October 9
Living Room
Making sure we have at least twelve projects going on simultaneously. We cleared out the furniture to get the floors redone.
October 10
Living Room
Using this opportunity to get rid of stuff for good also. Sister and I had an indoor yard sale and made $2.00 each. Probably the last time we'll do that.
October 11
Larkum House
A baby Smith baby-cue! Our friends and family are great.
October 12
Our bed has become my desk, dining room table, and couch because there's nowhere else to sit in the house right now.
October 13
The last of the emptying and the beginning of staying at the in-laws. (Keep in mind we are only four weeks out from the bobby's due date.)
October 14
Peterson House
My new roommate, Abe.
October 15
Peterson House
36 weeks and last lamaze class.
October 16
Kitchen to Cyborg Room
Checking in on the floors. The photo is misleading. That's unfinished countertop in the foreground, messed up floors in the background.
October 17
Peterson House
Making the most of our home away from home. They ganged up on me.
October 18
Front Porch
Doing some outdoor work while the inside is unwalkable. By work, I mean nap in a sleeping bag in the front yard and pleasantly wake up to an original piece of art hand delivered by the artist, Abernathy Bland, herself. She has a blog and does neat things. (Riding Bareback Beside a Train.)
October 19
Back Yard
More outdoor work and napping.
October 20
Back Yard
More outdoor work. Mom is in town and telling Andy what to do.
October 21
Peterson Basement
The poor cat is not happy about the floors either. She's stuck in this kitty prison. Eat, sleep, poop, and lift weights all in the same small room.
October 22
Peterson House
Movie night. I suppose the silver lining to going into week two of not being able to be in our house is that we were able to step away from the projects and relax a tiny bit. A very tiny bit. (Three weeks until baby.)
October 23
Peterson House
Front view of the growth. I look scared, but I'm not really scared. I just don't know how to make a normal face. Especially when taking a selfie in my pajamas.
October 24
Living Room
Walkable but not livable! One step closer to moving back in.
October 25
Gaylord, National Harbor
Annual trip north to see Dad. Every year they've done something a little more extravagant at National Harbor. This year there was a Ferris wheel! Woot!
October 26
Another bonus to an empty house: deep cleaning (ie. vacuuming the walls and everything in between). And a bonus in life: friends that help you do it.
October 27
Nursery (formerly the office)
I put the crib together! Mostly by myself! I stuffed the bottom part with the drawers into my car and made one trip to the station while Andy was on duty so he could help me.
(This is the first of three requirements before this baby is allowed to show up.)
October 28
Andy's putting a coat of finish on the countertops. Fumes are too strong so we are still staying at his parent's house.
October 29
Bringing the cat back home. Those eyes look thrilled. Not pictured: me. And I'm dang excited!
October 30
There's a bed in our bedroom again! (This is the second requirement before this baby is allowed to show up. And that is supposed to be in less than two weeks.)
October 31
The Halloween costume we've been talking about doing for years. It's even better too, because there's actually three of us in that chef coat!
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