Wednesday, July 18

There might be more baby pictures here

July 7
If you follow this regularly you might start to notice a trend. When Mom is in town, projects around the house get going in full swing. Painting and shellacking the cyborg.

July 8
Front Porch
Our pet wasps that greet us every time we come and go. (I'm sorry to report that last night, July 16, Andy did away with our wasp friends when we realized that we have human friends who are deathly allergic to wasp friends and refused to come to our door.)

July 9
Six-day-old Adah dressed as a sherpa. I just can't handle her adorable face and tiny body. That's my mom's hand in the last photo just to show you how little. 

July 10
The Phoenician
We have been eating out a lot lately, what with the parents (well, just Mom now) in town and all the baby hubbub. Tonight was Middle Eastern!

July 11
Lewis Ginter
That's Mavis Staples opening for Andrew Bird. They are practically in our backyard! And not that I like to talk about the weather, but you know it's been like 100 degrees, but tonight I got chilly when the sun went down!

July 12
Carver's House
Strawberry shortcake for dessert. Dish lish.

July 13
Wedding crafts. Because when you are looking at the pie table, you will definitely need a sign to tell you they are pies.

July 14
All done.

July 15
Sister's house
Look at that sweet girl sleeping. I had to move her blanket so I could look at those naked arms tucked by her ears.

July 16
Elisabeth's house
Andy's mom found his coon skin hat that he wore every single day for a year when he was a kid. (The search might have been prompted because my dad sent us an old photo of Fess Parker sitting at my grandparents house with about ten of my mom's siblings when they were young.)


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