Tuesday, July 31

Roller Weekend 2012 Birthday-Bachelorette Extravaganza

July 17
Sister's House
This photo is out of place because it is not related to the Roller Weekend 2012 Birthday-Bachelorette Extravaganza. It is significant for other reasons. 1: I did not want to post solely for July 17. 2: It appears as though I have a hand growing out of my unnaturally enhanced bosom. 3. I have always wanted to hold a baby hands-free in one of those strappy things. 4. This is some prime Adah-Auntie bonding time.

July 18
Jacksonville, FL
The Roller Weekend 2012 Birthday-Bachelorette Extravaganza has officially been underway for approximately 7.5 hours. I picked Tuc up in Raleigh at 5 p.m. and we hit the road running. We also both forgot our toothbrushes.

July 19
Panama City Beach, FL
We finished up our drive and arrived at the Roller Weekend 2012 Birthday-Bachelorette Extravaganza at approximately 10 a.m. and quickly got ourselves to the beach, drinks in hand, laughter waiting to bubble over. This is an example of the expression we all wore for most of the weekend.

We waited in the pool for Bethie to arrive and when she did, she joined us. Duh. Now we are just waiting for Del.

July 20
Panama City Beach, FL
This is a true testament of how well my best girlfriends know me. Why would I want to start a day of bacheloretting (or any day for that matter) in anything but a muumuu? You better believe I hardly took mine off after receiving it. 

We concluded our evening with karaoke at the old Sweet Dreams. We walked in, wearing wigs, and might have stopped the record player. The bar was full of locals and biker dudes and dudettes. It did not take long for us to win their hearts over with our excitement and charm.

July 21
Panama City Beach, FL
This is the Del's birthday part of Roller Weekend 2012 Birthday-Bachelorette Extravaganza. How did we capture so many fantastic group shots? Good question. The photo rod is the best invention ever and we carried it with us at all times, even into the ocean.

We took things a little bit more low key on Saturday night since we all had to wake up for travel the next morning. We had a delicious home-cooked meal that we enjoyed at a romantic picnic on the beach while the sun was setting behind us. As we sat there and talked, we saw a group of high school-aged girls doing a dance they had made up on the beach. It made me feel old, for seeing ourselves ten years earlier, and so warm, for what we still have. (I forgot to mention that we choreographed a dance/flash mob and performed it on the beach the day before.)

July 22
Driving Northeast
This one is for the Rollers. I wish Roller Weekend 2012 Birthday-Bachelorette Extravaganza could have lasted for twenty weekends (at least).


And just for kicks, this was the last Roller weekend. It was in November 2010 at Tuc's in Raleigh.

Wednesday, July 18

There might be more baby pictures here

July 7
If you follow this regularly you might start to notice a trend. When Mom is in town, projects around the house get going in full swing. Painting and shellacking the cyborg.

July 8
Front Porch
Our pet wasps that greet us every time we come and go. (I'm sorry to report that last night, July 16, Andy did away with our wasp friends when we realized that we have human friends who are deathly allergic to wasp friends and refused to come to our door.)

July 9
Six-day-old Adah dressed as a sherpa. I just can't handle her adorable face and tiny body. That's my mom's hand in the last photo just to show you how little. 

July 10
The Phoenician
We have been eating out a lot lately, what with the parents (well, just Mom now) in town and all the baby hubbub. Tonight was Middle Eastern!

July 11
Lewis Ginter
That's Mavis Staples opening for Andrew Bird. They are practically in our backyard! And not that I like to talk about the weather, but you know it's been like 100 degrees, but tonight I got chilly when the sun went down!

July 12
Carver's House
Strawberry shortcake for dessert. Dish lish.

July 13
Wedding crafts. Because when you are looking at the pie table, you will definitely need a sign to tell you they are pies.

July 14
All done.

July 15
Sister's house
Look at that sweet girl sleeping. I had to move her blanket so I could look at those naked arms tucked by her ears.

July 16
Elisabeth's house
Andy's mom found his coon skin hat that he wore every single day for a year when he was a kid. (The search might have been prompted because my dad sent us an old photo of Fess Parker sitting at my grandparents house with about ten of my mom's siblings when they were young.)


Saturday, July 7

there's a new babe in my life

June 28
Dining Room
Bourbon pear tart round two. I could easily go for a round three, four, five, and six if I had the time.

June 29
To me this was still June 28, but I kind of wanted proof that I am capable of staying up past midnight still. Went to see some music with a friend and it was a good time.

June 30
Washington D.C.
I picked Julia up from the bus and on our way out of town we saw this! Poor Tundra. It made me thankful that all we lost was our power and nothing else.

July 1
Thank you Walmart of Kilmarnock for allowing us the opportunity to buy the best Fourth of July T-shirts ever. They are so good we couldn't wait to wear them.

July 2
Dining Room
Peaches and creme fraiche pie round one made with local roadside stand peaches! I did make a round two, and I could have gone for more. Meanwhile, Mom and Dad are driving through the night because...

July 3
Isn't it funny how much can change in a day. I went from baking a pie to meeting my first niece, Adah Lucille. She is four weeks early. I am pretty sure that means she was so excited to meet me that she couldn't stand it any longer.

July 4
I wanted to make sure Adah was featured with the kitty shirt on Independence Day. This way when she's older and looking at her baby photos she will surely say, "My favorite aunt is so cool."

July 5
Those cream puffs from Aziza's are worth eating.

July 6
Dining room
My dad after he ripped the sleeves off his shirt (intentionally). Then we sat down, listened to five songs closely, and picked which one he would walk me down the aisle to. Wearing that shirt. I kid. (About the shirt.)

Thursday, July 5

And then June was over

June 10
Living Room
Andy bought a coconut to drink.

June 11
Attic Closet
The final, in-my-possession dress. 

June 12
Kitchen Table
Those dough balls are full of graham cracker, marshmallows, and chocolate chips. When you can't build a fire, use an oven.

June 13
Patterson Ave.
I made Andy turn around and go the opposite direction so we could stop for these geese crossing the road. I love animals that don't belong on city streets.

June 14
Church Hill
Somebody built a little village at the foot of this tree. There's a pumpkin house and tiny people and animals.

June 15
Bryan Park
Taking exercise and kicking the ol' rugby ball around. Then we went to the grocery store and ran into an old friend I played rugby with in college! Way to tie it all together, universe.

June 16
Lowe's Parking Lot
That dog is driving! Okay, the car is parked so he's not driving, but I imagine he would be pretty good at it if he was.

June 17
Park Ave.
Find the cat! I wouldn't mind that perch either.

June 18
Living Room
A little bit more wedding stuff: guest book stars. Wait for it.

June 19
Sister's House
Breaking in baby's toys. Aquatic-themed finger puppets are clearly my favorite.

June 20
Cary Street
Watermelon wall art.

June 21
Andy and I (well, Tom too before he got a flat tire) went for a bike ride to a little town he used to live in. These flowers probably weren't there when he was a boy, but they are some of the wackiest I have ever seen! Like giant tickle sticks.

June 22
Sam and Meg got married and there were crabs to pick and a roasted pig with an apple in its mouth. I picked crabs for others to enjoy the meat and Andy took a bite of the pig's apple. Sickening.

June 23
Elise's house
Sister's baby shower provided gems like this.

June 24
Big storms = power outage at home and at closest grocery store = out to dinner = spotting this awesome license plate.

June 25
Engine 2
Power still out and really we probably would have gone out to dinner anyway because Mom was in town and this was her last night. Yes, this is my plate. That is a real veggie burger with real bacon on top. Also, our power came back when we got home that evening.

June 26
Larkum House
Celebrating Kevin and Cowan's birthdays at potluck.