Monday, May 2

bogos, ritas, and the beatles

April 25
Scuba Center
Confession: I actually took this picture on the 26th. But the fish bowl was found empty on the 25th. Where was the fish? It apparently jumped out of his bowl in search of a better life only to learn he couldn't survive.

April 26
Office Chair
Another confession: what you cannot see happening is the Friday Night Lights I am watching and did watch for an embarrassing amount of time that night.

April 27
Side Yard
Tornado warnings, but nothing ever happened.

April 28
The Sky
That's Atlanta in the distance.

April 29
Our first trip to the sand and water. That's Beefers.

April 30
Downtown Galveston
New plan: handstands all the time. How did we not start doing this sooner?

May 1
We were down there seconds before. Only the boy scouts were young (and silly) enough to stay.

May 2
Telephone pole in driveway
We used to paint those guys at Diamond Head. Lucky for this one I don't have any supplies here.

I was in Galveston this past weekend for a wedding of a dear friend I've had since kindergarten. That means I have known her for 23 years. I can't believe I'm old enough to know people that long.

It was such a spectacular weekend that spectacular doesn't even capture it. It's just worth noting. Here's the rest.

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