April 1
Celebrated Edwin Jonah's (you decide what to call him) first birthday this morning with a breakfast party! Here's our best (not good) family photo.
Birthday boy simply cannot wait another minute for his cake.
Can't say that I blame him. He had the coolest April Fools everything bagel cake known to man.
Sister (and everyone else) enjoyed donuts from the donut tower.
And this completes Edwin's first birthday photo report.
April 2
Crump Park
Checking out some animals, eating snacks on a hill. Life as a one year old is looking bright.
April 3
Kids' Room
I don't even know what's happening here, but I think Leena wanted to wear her hat to bed. Because, God forbid, she actually ever wants to wear it outside on sunny days.
April 4
Doing some LuLaRoe organization and I've got these two helping me.
April 5
Living Room
Two naked babies after bath time. How long until one of them pees on the floor do you think?
April 6
Living Room
Leena using Edwin's door jumper as a stethoscope. I mean, she's got the right idea, but there is a real concern she might squeeze brains out because that thing is pretty strong.
April 7
Ready for my open house! Super excited to kick this business off and see what it's all about to get people in clothes they love. And there are a lot of clothes for me to find owners for. Yipes.
April 8
Living Room
Post-bath selfie. I really enjoy the routines we have and the little moments it gives us to just chill with each other. (The selfie isn't the routine. It's the milk on the couch time.)
April 9
Front Yard
This girl and her hippo. She brings him everywhere. Not exactly everywhere, but a lot of places.
April 10
Lewis Ginter
The pinwheels are up for child abuse awareness. These kids are just flopping around like goofballs.
April 11
We've got some leaky pipes so this sink is about to get replaced.
April 12
Short Pump
Getting in to the Easter spirit by going to visit some baby animals.
April 13
Three Lakes Park
This guy. Getting big and cruising around the playground with some awesome expressions.
April 14
Bott House
Annual egg hunt with the Bott's. Love how these two are swapping egg stories.
Apri l5
Front Yard
Twinning. And winning.
April 16
Otter Cove
Obligatory family Easter photo. Andy is finally starting to appreciate having family photos, which means he doesn't make it such a chore to get him to agree/cooperate. Great day at the river being with family and nature. Roll away the stone, boys.
April 17
I mean, better late than never. We were a little busy on the first and he's still 12 months old so it counts.
April 18
ARC Park
I'm sure I got a picture of her just looking through the hole also, but I much preferred this one of her face planting on her way through.
April 19
Living Room
Daddy's girl. One hundred percent.
April 20
Shady Grove
Killing time on the playground while brother naps in the stroller. Then it's off to swimming. Which turned into a much more eventful morning than I had bargained for.
April 21
Just sticking his head up in the rafters. JK. I think he's doing some electrical work before the ceiling is stuffed with insulation.
April 22
Wikler House
Washington DC
Leena helping Suzy Lynn wake up from nap. Sweet girls. I wish they got to spend more time together.
April 23
K Street Park (not it's real name)
Cousin-cousins riding the fire engine. So great to have family nearby to crash with and spend some qt with.
April 24
Carytown Sushi
Annual tax return night out. Not as boozy as when we didn't have kids, but know we get this view across the table.
April 25
No more not strapping this guy down in his highchair. He's ready to jump ship!
April 26
Front Porch
First watermelon of the season and it's a messy hit! Shirtless sticky bellies all around. These three could eat an entire melon if given the chance.
April 27
Lewis Ginter
They rarely look at me and "smile" at the same time when I ask them to so I'm pretty pleased with this one.
April 28
Now that's an insulated building if I ever saw one.
April 29
Practicing selfies with my new bluetooth remote. It really only worked this once. Harrumph. And trying on a cute LuLaRoe outfit. Hurrah!
April 30
Andy's gig for the day. Bike team at the NASCAR race.