Thursday, April 13

i'm so behind. yipes.

February 1
Chili dribble and saltine. What?

February 2
Well, ten months came and went. Because now he's over a year! I'm so behind. Yipes.

February 3
The little ham she's becoming.

February 4
Shady Grove
Loving our new swimsuits and our new indoor activity option.

Back Yard
That's a lot of bamboo. It's also a lot of cuteness.

February 6
I thought having him face out would keep him awake while we walked home from the garden (dangerously close to dinner/bedtime), but clearly I was wrong.

February 7
Wagon ride to go play at the Warner's.

February 8
Front Yard
It's warm enough to finger paint outside! It's warm enough to eat it too!

I should just stop buying paper.

February 9
And today it's cold enough to wear our warmest coat, a hat, scarf, and mittens. How confusing.

February 10
Coolest grape eater ever.

February 11
Bott's House
All the kids filling up the couch watching a movie only to be interrupted for hot waffles and sausage balls. Pretty great way to spend Saturday morning.

February 12
Pocahontas State Park
Back to the 70-degree beautiful weather! Nice family outing in the outdoors, just hanging out. (I just re-read this, two months later, and I don't think I intentionally had all those "outs"...Eye roll.)

Inspirational "Hang in there" poster child.

February 13
Getting ready for our Valentine to get home from work in the morning.

February 14
Valentine's stairs installed. How romantic.

February 15
Floor and Decor
Even more romantic: tile shopping for a bathroom the day after. We thought about going out to breakfast while Leena was at school, but decided this was better. (Not the tile we bought, by the way. Just the one we liked.)

February 16
Learning how to make balloon animals at the mall. When you stay at home with your kids, any activity out of the usual routine is worth trying.

February 17
Children's Museum
The giant sound orbs usually get at least a few minutes of Leena's attention every time we go here.

Sorry, not sorry. Real parenting. Baby pooped on the floor. At least it was the bathroom floor.

February 18
Marshall's House
Celebrating Indiana's first birthday with plenty of cookies and hot chocolate and friends!

February 19
My wallet stayed at home, but there were some kind other parents who gave Leena food to feed the goats. I'm so glad they did because she enjoyed it so much. Can I also say that I'm fine with wearing shorts and a t-shirt outside in the middle of February.

February 20
Twin Hickory Park
Busy morning swimming at the Y and playing at the park.

February 21
Getting ready to move some rooms around and going through stuff in the upstairs closet. Found my stash of scrapbooks (awesome) including this one from my first road trip across the US with Beefdog. We kicked it off with a visit to the Ponca City Police Department.

February 22
Another part of the big room exchange, getting rid of clothes. The only way to keep my helper engaged and out of the way is in his highchair with snacks. (Read, I have two hours of Leena-free time and I must get something done.)

February 23
All the purple.

February 24
Bathroom framing. Someday this will be a studio apartment.

February 25
Brave New Restaurant
Little Rock
The quickest trip to Little Rock ever. One night. Just for these tiny ice cream cones. Okay, not really just for these, but they were pretty fantastic. Did I mention my kids stayed in Richmond? I would've been happy just flying back and forth for 24 hours if it meant a break.

And Dad is doing just fine without me.

February 26
Little Rock
I don't know how the day escaped without a photo, but it did. So Andy sent me this graphic after I sent him a photo of my new haircut. I mean, I guess he was kind of right.

February 27
Super happy to be eating that yogurt! Or maybe to see me. (That's what I'm going with.)

February 28
Helping not helping. Trying out a new method of toy regulation. Four boxes to rotate throughout the year. Hopefully it will help cut down on the explosion that seems to happen everyday too.