Wednesday, November 30

it's all measured in phases

November 21
Kitchen Counter
Thanksgiving: Phase 1
The crust doughs are made.

November 22
Back of House: Phase 1
The windows have been purchased and acquired.

November 23
Dining Room Table
Thanksgiving: Phase 2
The pies have been made.

November 24
Sam and Meg's
Thanksgiving: Phase 3
The family has gathered and eaten.

November 25
Thanksgiving: Phase 4
Bob and Elisabeth's kitchen
The official move to Christmas. Cookie making and listening to Amy Grant. It had been awhile since I'd heard "Baby, Baby".

November 26
Front Porch: Phase 1
Purchasing Lumber. (I guess Phase 1 might have actually been when we uncovered all of the rotten wood that was "holding" the porch up.)

Followed by Hers His Burritos.

November 27
Chimborazo Park
I stopped at the park by sisters to see what the sunset looked like and I found Richmond's very own Statue of Liberty.

November 28
Back of House: Phase 2
Old doors have been replaced with new French door and new casement window.

Front Porch: Phase 2
Bob and Andy secure the premises before knocking all the rotten stuff down.

November 29
Front Porch: Phase 3
Rafters and new header in place.

More phases tk.

Tuesday, November 22

Sooner or later, you'll know he's right

November 15
Little Rock, 1978
You could say I was distracted today, hence going to the archives for this one. Uncle Tom passed away this morning after an eight-month fight against lung cancer. He was one cool dude and touched many lives around the world. He touched mine, too, and even now I'm still learning how to be a better person because of him.

November 16
Parking lot on Foushee and Franklin
Extra time before swim lessons equals calling my mom. It was a rainy day outside, which felt right, given the last month.

November 17
Grandma's house, Little Rock
In the span of one week in February all these munchkins will turn two. Sitting at my Grandma's house with my cousins, we caught a glimpse of what it must have been like for our parents. Because when we were little there were probably 15 kids within five years of each other. It was so fun to see all of my cousins' kids running around, playing with each other, and doing the same things we did as kids. I swear, the toys in the toy drawer are thirty years old and the swinging bar is definitely held by more than one screw.

November 18
Holy Souls Church, Little Rock
To the left of the tree my aunt and uncle are laid to rest and to the right, my grandpa. This wall is becoming a pretty powerful place.

Same day, later on
My Parent's House, Little Rock
So my uncle was once the house player at a casino in Katmandu. He taught me most of what I know about poker. Starting when I was old enough to sit still through one hand, I watched and he gave me commentary about what was going on. We had our "First Annual Tom Kelly Memorial Poker Tournament" and I think I made him proud.

November 19
Beck Compound, Little Rock
All the cousins got together to watch football. We just can't get enough of each other when we are all in town. This is the peaceful view from the kitchen windows.

November 20
Little Rock Airport
Saying good-bye is always hard, no matter what level you are doing it on.

P.S. Happy Thanksgiving.
I can't help but be thankful for the love that I feel every day from family and friends.

Wednesday, November 16

The Other Williamsburg

November 7
Z giving me the stink eye for interrupting her nap in her new favorite spot. I can't say that I blame her.

November 8
Baking corn muffins in the ten cent generic princess cupcake holders Andy got me.

November 9
Front yard
A near full moon through the clouds.

November 10
Williamsburg (the Colonial one)
Walking down the pedestrian road, we saw some giant sunflower skeletons hanging on to their stalks for as long as possible.

November 11
AMF Williamsburg Lanes
Andy and I going head to head. We played two games and on both of them I got two strikes in the first two squares. After that I kind of went down hill. I guess that's the only place you can go after strikes though. (He won. Cumulative score. But only by six points.)

November 12
Colonial Williamsburg
This trip was really my first time to the historic place and seeing all these reenactors made my day. Over and over again. And then we got to go in the stocks (<-pictures!) and my day was made again.

November 13
Back home now, but something bit me in Williamsburg several times. This was just the most photographic one.

November 14
Living room
He's asleep.

Monday, November 7

Some weeks are pretty normal and that's okay

October 30
Sun Room
Yody's first fire! We are so proud of her.

October 31
Hanover and Strawberry
My first Halloween in the Fan. It was a rainy one, but by far the most insane trick-or-treating I have ever witnessed. And that's my friend Abby as the ringmaster of her circus-themed house, because I'm pretty sure there was a clause in their lease about going all out on Halloween. If you look closely you will see her tiny top hat.

November 1
This is a flipping egg disaster. I attempted to flip two at once and only one survived. I'm okay with the failure, though, because it was pretty dang funny. I've had egg spillage incidents in the past and they always seem to land on every possible surface on the way down.

November 2
Kitchen Wall
I think we discovered some earth quake damage...Or maybe just classic paint crack syndrome.

November 3
A Street in the Hood
After I accompanied Andy to his barber (I felt like I got to go inside a secret club), we took a walk and look at that fall showing us how pretty she is. Rub it in all you want. I love it.

November 4
Kitchen Table
My first attempt at creme brulee. Both chocolate and vanilla. I think it was good because at 3:00 I ate half of a chocolate one (saving the other half for Andy, of course) and then at 6:00 I finished it.

November 5
Patrick Henry Pub
We walked outside to leave and there were tons of motorbikes of all varieties. Not until I lightened this photo did I notice the lady bug helmet!

November 6
Office Couch
A little star crafting in the afternoon.

P.S. I got one more job. At another bakery and I think this one will be better. I will keep you posted. Literally, because these are called posts.