Wednesday, June 29

flowers, food, and knitting: i swear i'm not that old

June 19
Carytown parking lot
Gone for a Mexican dinner with Abe. Here's where we parked the car.

June 20
kitchen counter
Pining after the beach by pretending I am this little girl swimming in seltzer water. Bubbles and all.

June 21
kitchen counter, again
After talking about baking for hours on the drive from Dauphin Island to Little Rock with Mom, I had my itch. These are chocolate chip made with yogurt instead of egg. Super soft and fluffy!

June 22
Ha, kitchen counter, again again!
How I love some fresh pens. Thanks to Gulia for my super mail surprise!

June 23
office ottoman
Funny leery kitty. I think I'm going to name him Mr. Monocle. He looks like he should have one.

June 24
Brown's Island
As the train goes by, Sharon Jones and her Dap Kings sing on.

June 25
Sister's backyard
Beautiful hydrangeas. She also had tomatoes and okra and peppers and eggplant!

June 26
Just guess where I took this photo.
I like to separate my ingredients into bowls. It's organized and colorful.

June 27
living room couch
This project has been about three years in the making. I just keep not doing it. Any ideas on what it will be?

June 28
mixing bowl...on the kitchen counter.
A magnificently smooth meringue.

June 29
front sidewalk
For this frozen raspberry pie. (Yes, I took it outside to take it's picture.)

Wednesday, June 22

the island remains the greatest

June 11
Old Williamsburg Road
Our luggage for the beach (plus the Rainbow) fill Robert Earl's bed.

June 12
Island Breeze
Getting ready for the 2011 Family Christmas Photo. Steven and Dad went golfing and won a lot of beer/alcohol sponsored clothing, so naturally we donned it. I chose this one because of the goofy faces on all of them.

June 13
kitchen table
Not a great photo, but a great deal. That is a little piece of bacon (about the size of a quarter) on my once just egg and cheese sandwich. I took the bite willingly and I kind of liked it. Not a convert yet, but I'm also not denying the urge if I have it. But I haven't had another urge since.

June 14
We might not have been able to see the eclipse, but there was a great full moon.

June 15
Fort Morgan Ferry
The guy on the left (our right) has his head upside down and backward.

June 16
This is what I want to do whenever I get near the water also.

June 17
Island Rainbow. Duh.
I couldn't not pay homage to the best snow cones EVER.

June 18
So I drove with Mom back to Little Rock before flying to Richmond because that's how much I enjoy car rides. I had to go along with a stop at the Ameristar casino in Vicksburg though. Kitty Glitter, among others, did not give me any money.

The only problem with something like this is having to choose just one photo to represent an entire great day. Because days at the beach tend to be entire great days. My family is pretty cool and pretty fun and that makes me pretty lucky.
If you don't want just the limited selection, go to the rest here.

pretty normal every days

June 6
Foushee and Broad
Drive by photo-shooting at Tarrants

June 7
Robert Earl, the truck
The hint of a fire fighter stash showing through the dusk.

June 8
Belvidere and Leigh
I got curious when I heard voices coming from the bushes and this guy must have sensed it. He obliged then asked for some smokes.

June 9
couch in the office
This means we're watching a movie and eating ice cream!

June 10
Rose Garden
The barely noticeable purple tips are so beautiful.

Monday, June 6

going back makes me feel like i never left

June 1
MacArthur and Greycourt
I decided to leave my neighborhood for a Thursday morning walk before work. I mostly liked the periwinkle colored waves painted onto the sea green shed.

June 2
Apex bus stop.
The white truck in the background is the local NBC news truck. I guess they wanted to see how many people were crazy enough to take the Chinatown bus.

June 3
The Penny Farthing
Seriously you just never know. For instance, people who walk around with rats on their shoulder and then eat avocados and ask to borrow the salt of your neighbors table.

June 4
I've lost my ability to remember street names in Brooklyn. Maybe Flatbush...
Walking home after a day in the park with friends. Sigh, I loved it.

June 5
Madison Square Park
When you decide to get Shake Shack amazing things happen. Like seeing this giant sculpture that looked flat and 3-D at the same time. Total mind blow.

These pictures, the ones taken in New York specifically, are only the tip of fun and weird things.
More bulk is here.